6. Experimental
In the context of
this chapter, you will also be invited to visit these sections...
Regardless of the huge improvements that have occurred for X-ray
generation, the techniques used to measure the intensities
and angles of
diffraction patterns have evolved over time. In
the first
diffraction experiment, Friedrich and Knipping (1912) used a film
sensitive to X-rays, but even in the same year, Bragg used an
chamber mounted on a rotating arm that, in general, could
more accurately determine angles and intensities. However, the film
technique had
the advantage of being able to collect many diffracted beams at the
same time, and thus during the first years of structural
Crystallography (from 1920 to 1970) an extensive use
photographic methods was made. Among them the following techniques
should be highlighted: Laue,
precession and oscillation.
Since the mid-1970's, photographic methods have been gradually replaced
by goniometers
coupled with point detectors which subsequently have been replaced by area detectors.
The Laue method
For his first
experiments, Max
von Laue (1879-1960
(Nobel Prize in Physics in 1914) used continuous radiation (with all
possible wavelengths) to impact on a stationary crystal. With this
procedure the crystal generates a set of diffracted beams that show the
internal symmetry of the crystal. In these circumstances, and taking
into account Bragg's
the experimental constants are the interplanar
spacing d
and the crystal position referred to the incident beam. The variables
are the wavelength λ
and the integer number n:
λ = 2
dhkl sin
Thus, for the same interplanar spacing d, the diffraction
pattern will contain the diffracted beams corresponding to the
first order of diffraction (n=1)
of a certain wavelength, the second order (n=2)
of half the
wavelength (λ/2),
the third order (n=3)
with wavelength λ/3,
etc. Therefore, the Laue diagram is simply a stereographic
projection of the crystal. See also the Java
offered through this link.
Laue diagram of a crystal
are two different geometries in the Laue method, depending on the
crystal position with regard to the photographic plate: transmission or
Laue method in transmission mode
Right: The Laue
method in reflection mode
Weissenberg method
Weissenberg method is based on a camera with the same name, developed
in 1924 by the Austrian scientist Karl
Weissenberg (1893-1976).
In order to understand
Weissenberg’s contribution to X-ray crystallography one
should read the two following articles that some years ago were
offered to the British
Society of Rheology: "Weissenberg’s
Influence on Crystallography"
(by H. Lipson) (use
this link in case of problems)
and "Karl
Weissenberg and the development of X-ray crystallography"
(by M.J. Buerger).
The camera consists of a metallic cylinder that contains a
sensitive to X-rays. The crystal is mounted on a shaft (coaxial with
the cylinder) that rotates. According to Ewald's
the reciprocal points will intersect the surface of Ewald's
sphere and diffracted beams will be produced.
The diffracted beams generate black spots on the
film, which when removed from the metallic cylinder, appears
as shown below.
developed by K. Weissenberg in 1924
and example of a Weissenberg camera. This camera type was
used in crystallographic laboratories until about 1975.
Two types of Weissenberg diagrams
can be obtained in an easy way, depending on the amount of
crystal rotation: oscillation
diagrams (rotation
of approx. +/-20 degrees) or full
rotation diagrams (360
degrees) respectively,
without moving the photographic film. Oscillation
diagrams were used to center the
crystal, that is, to ensure that the rotation of axis coincides exactly
with a direct axis, which is equivalent to saying
that reciprocal
planes (which by geometric construction are perpendicular to a direct
axis ) generate lines of spots on the photographic film. Once centering
is achieved, the full
rotation diagrams were used to
evaluate the
direct axis of the crystal, which coincides with the spacing between
the dot lines on the diagram.
explaining the production of a Weissenberg diagram of the
rotation or oscillation variety. When the reciprocal points, belonging
to the
same reciprocal plane, touch the surface of Ewald's sphere,
they produce diffracted beams arranged in cones.
As shown in the
diagram above, each horizontal line of points represents a reciprocal plane perpendicular to the
axis of rotation as
projected on the photographic plate. The figure on the left shows
real appearance of a Weissenberg diagram of this type,
As explained before, the distance between the horizontal spot
lines provides information on the crystal repetition
period in the vertical direction of the film.
These diagrams were also used to align mounted crystals... This
technique requires that the crystal rotation axis is coincident with an
axis of its direct lattice, so that the reciprocal planes are collected
lines of spots as shown on the left.
Once the crystal is
aligned, the rotation axis coincides with a direct
axis of the unit cell. Thus, by definition of the reciprocal lattice,
there will be reciprocal planes perpendicular to that axis. The
reciprocal points (lying on these reciprocal planes) rotate when the
crystal rotates and (after passing through the Ewald sphere) will
diffracted beams that arranged in cones,
touch the cylindrical film and appear as aligned spots
on the left).
seems obvious that these
provide information about the repetition period of the direct
lattice in the direction perpendicular to the reciprocal planes
(horizontal lines). However, those reciprocal
planes (two
dimensional arrays of reciprocal points) are represented as
projections (one dimension) on
film and therefore a strong spot overlapping is to be expected.
The problem with spot
overlap was solved by Weissenberg by adding a translation
mechanism to the camera, in such a way that the cylinder containing the
film could be moved in a "back-and-forth" mode (in the direction
parallel to the axis of rotation)
coupled with the crystal rotation. At the same time, he introduced two
internal cylinders (as is shown in the left figure,
and also below). In
this way, only one of the diffracted cones (those from a reciprocal
layer) is "filtered" and therefore allowed to reach the
photographic film. Thus, a single reciprocal plane (a 2-dimensional
array of reciprocal points) is distributed on the film surface (two
dimensions) and therefore the overlap effect is avoided.
However, as a consequence of the back and forth translation of the
camera during the rotation of the crystal, a deformation is originated
in the distribution of the spots (diffraction intensities)
The appearance of such a diagram,
produces a geometrical deformation of the collected reciprocal plane,
is shown below. Taking into account this deformation, one can easily
identify every spot of the selected reciprocal plane and measure its
intensity. To select the remaining reciprocal planes one just
to shift the internal cylinders and collect their corresponding
diffracted beams (arranged in cones).
of the Weissenberg camera used to collect a cone of diffracted beams.
internal cylinders showing a slit, through which a cone of diffracted
beams is allowed to reach the photographic film. The outer
cylinder, containing the film, moves back-and-forth while the
crystal rotates, and so the spots that in the previous diagram
type were in a line (see above) are now distributed on the film surface
(see the figure on the right).
Right:: Weissenberg
diagram showing the
reciprocal plane of indices hk2 of the
copper metaborate.
precession method
The precession
method was developed
by Martin
J. Buerger (1903-1986)
at the beginning of the 1940's as a very clever alternative to
collect diffracted intensities without distorting the geometry
the reciprocal planes.
As in the Weissenberg
precession methodology is also based
on a moving crystal, but here the crystal moves (and so does the
coupled reciprocal lattice) as the planets do, and hence its name. In this case the film is placed on a
planar cassette that moves following the crystal movements.
the precession method the crystal has to be oriented so that
reciprocal plane to be collected is perpendicular to the X-rays' direct
beam, ie a direct axis coincides with the direction of
the incident X-rays.
Two schematic views showing the
principle on which the precession camera is based. μ
the precession angle around which the reciprocal plane and the
photographic film move. During this movement the reciprocal plane and
the film are always kept parallel.
camera designed for this purpose and the appearance of a precession
showing the diffraction pattern of an inorganic crystal are shown in
the figures below.
and appearance of a precession
diagram of a perovskite
showing cubic symmetry
Precession diagrams are much simpler to interpret than those of
Weissenberg, as they show the reciprocal planes without any distortion.
They show a single reciprocal plane on a photographic plate (picture
when a circular slit is placed between the crystal and the photographic
film. As in the case of Weissenberg diagrams, we can readily measure
distances and diffraction intensities. However, with these
diagrams it is much easier to observe the symmetry of the reciprocal
The only disadvantage of the precession method
is a consequence of the film, which is flat instead of cylindrical, and
therefore the explored solid angle is smaller than in the Weissenberg
The precession method has been used
successfully for many years, even for protein crystals:
Left: Precession
diagram of a lysozyme crystal. One can easily
distinguish a
four-fold symmetry axis perpendicular to the diagram.
According to
the relationships between direct and reciprocal lattices, if the axes
the unit cell are large (as in this case), the separation
reciprocal points is small.
Right: Precession
diagram of a simple
organic compound, showing mm
symmetry (two mirror planes perpendicular to the diagram).
that the distances between reciprocal points is much larger (smaller
direct unit cell axes) than in the case of proteins (see the figure on
the left).
oscillation method
the methods of rotating the crystal with a wide rotation
angle were very successfully used. However, when it
applied to crystals with larger direct cells (ie small reciprocal
cells), the collecting time increased. Therefore, these methods were
replaced by methods using small oscillation angles, allowing multiple
parts of different reciprocal planes to be collected at once.
Collecting this type of diagrams at different starting positions of the
crystal is sufficient to obtain enough data in a reasonable time. The
geometry of collection is described in the figures shown below.
Nowadays, with rotating anode generators, synchrotrons, and area
detectors (image
plate or CCD,
see below), this is the method widely used, especially for proteins.
Outline of the geometrical conditions for diffraction in the
oscillation method. The crystal, and therefore its reciprocal lattice,
oscillate in a small angle around an axis (perpendicular to the plane
the figure) which passes through the center. In the
figure on
the right, the reciprocal area that passes through diffraction
conditions, within Ewald's sphere (with radius 2.sin 90/λ),
is denoted in yellow. The
maximum resolution which can be obtained in the experiment is given by 2.sen θmax/λ).
the reciprocal lattice is oscillated in a small angle around
axis, small areas of different reciprocal planes will cross the surface
of Ewald's
sphere, reaching diffraction
Thus, the detector screen will show diffraction
spots from the different reciprocal planes forming
"lunes" on the diagram (figure on the right). A "lune" is a
figure bounded by two circular arcs of unequal radii, i.e., a
Four-circle goniometers
The introduction of digital
computers in
the late 1970s led to the design of the so-called automatic
four-circle diffractometers. These
goniometers, with very precise mechanics and by means of three
rotation axes, allow crystal samples to be brought to any orientation
space, fulfilling Ewald's requirements to
produce diffraction. Once the crystal is oriented, a fourth
of rotation, which supports the electronic detector, is placed in the
right position to collect the diffracted beam. All these movements can
be programmed in an automatic mode, with minimal operator
Two different goniometric geometries
been used very successfully for many years. In the Eulerian
goniometer (see the figure below) the crystal is
oriented through the three Euler angles (three circles): Φ
represents the rotation axis around the goniometer head (where the
crystal is mounted), χ
allows the crystal to roll over the closed circle, and ω
allows the full goniometer to rotate around a vertical axis. The fourth
circle represents the rotation of the detector, 2θ,
which is coaxial with ω.
This geometry has the advantage of a high mechanical stability, but
presents some restrictions for external
devices (for instance, low or high temperature devices) to access the
Left: Scheme
and appearance of a four-circle
goniometer with Eulerian geometry
Right: Rotations
in a four-circle goniometer
with Eulerian geometry
An alternative to the Eulerian
is the so-called Kappa
geometry, which does not have an equivalent to the closed χ
circle. The role of the Eulerian χ
rotation is fulfilled by means of two new axes: κ
(kappa) and ωκ
(see the figure below), in such a way that with a combination
of both new angles one can obtain Eulerian χ
in the range -90 to +90 degrees. The main advantage of this Kappa
geometry is the wide accessibility to the crystal. The
angles Φ
2θ are
identical to those in Eulerian geometry:
Scheme and appearance of a four-circle
goniometer with Kappa geometry
The detection system widely used
many years for both geometries (Euler
and Kappa)
was based on small-area counters or point detectors. With
detectors the intensity of the diffracted beams must be
measured individually, one after the other, and therefore
all angles had to be changed automatically according to
calculated values. Typical measurement times for such detector systems
are around 1 minute per reflection.
One of the point
detectors more
widely used for many years is the scintillation
counter, whose scheme is shown below:
Scheme of a scintillation counter
As an alternative to the point
the development of electronic technology has led to the emergence of
so-called area
detectors which allow the detection of many diffraction
beams simultaneously,
thereby saving time in the experiment. This technology is particularly
useful for proteins and generally for any material that can deteriorate
over its exposure to X-rays, since the detection of every collected
image (with several hundreds of reflections) is done in a
time, on the order of minutes (or seconds if the X-ray source is a
One of the area
detectors most
commonly used is based on the so-called CCD's
Coupled Device) whose scheme is shown below:
view of a CCD with its main components. The X-ray converter, in the
figure shown as Phosphor, can also be made with other materials, such
GdOS, etc. The CCD converts X-ray photons at high
but its disadvantage is that it operates at very low temperatures
(around -70 C). Image taken from ADSC
detectors are usually mounted on Kappa goniometers and their
use is
widespread in the field of protein crystallography, with rotating
anode generators or synchrotron
Left: Goniometer
with Kappa geometry and CCD
detector (Image taken from Bruker-AXS)
Right: Details of
a Kappa
goniometer (in this case with a fixed κ angle)
Another type of detector
widely used
today, especially in protein crystallography, are the Image
Plate Scanners, which are usually mounted on a relatively
rudimentary goniometer, whose
only freedom is a rotation axis parallel to the crystal mounting axis.
The sensor itself is a circular plate of material sensitive to
X-rays. After exposure, a laser is used to scan the
plate and
read out the intensities.
Left: Image
Plate Scanner. (image taken from Marxperts)
Right: Components
of an Image Plate Scanner
The latest technology involves
the use of
area detectors based on CMOS
semiconductor) technology that has very short readout
time, allowing for increased frame rates during the data
Area detectors
In summary, a complete data
collection with this type
of detectors consists of
multiple images such as the ones shown below. The collected images are
subsequently analyzed in order to obtain the crystal unit cell
data, symmetry (space group) and intensities of the
pattern (reciprocal space). This process is explained in more
detail in another section.
image of a protein, obtained with the oscillation method in
an Image Plate Scanner. During the exposure
time (approx. 5
minutes with a rotating anode generator, or approx. 5 seconds at a
synchrotron facility) the crystal rotates about 0.5 degrees around the
mounting axis. The read-out of the image takes about 20 seconds
(depending on the area of the image plate). This could also be the
appearance of an image taken with a CCD
detector. However, with a CCD the exposure time would be shorter.
set of consecutive diffraction images obtained with an Image Plate
Scanner or a CCD detector. After several images two
concentric dark circles appear,
corresponding to an infinite number of reciprocal points.
correspond to two consecutive diffraction orders of randomly oriented
ice microcrystals that appear due to some defect of the
cryoprotector or to some humidity of the cold nitrogen used to cool
down the sample. Images
are taken from Janet
Smith Lab. See also the example
published by
Aritra Pal and Georg Sheldrick.
all of these described experimental
methodologies (except for the Laue method), the radiation used is
usually monochromatic
(or nearly monochromatic), which is to say, radiation with a
wavelength. Monochromatic radiations are usually obtained with the
so-called monochromators,
a system composed by single crystals which, based on Bragg's
Law, are able to "filter" the polychromatic input radiation
and select only one of its wavelengths (color), as shown below:
Scheme of a monochromator. A
polychromatic radiation (white) coming from the left is "reflected",
according to Bragg's Law,
"filtering" the input radiation that is reflected again on a secondary
crystal. Image taken from ESRF.
present, in crystallographic laboratories or even in the
synchrotron lines, the traditional monochromators are being replaced by
new optical components that have demonstrated superior efficacy. These
components, usually known as "focusing mirrors", can be based
the following phenomena:
- total
reflection (mirrors, capillaries and wave guides),
- refraction
(refraction lenses) and
- diffraction
(crystal systems based on monochromators, multilayer
materials, etc.)
It can
also be very instructive to look at this animated diagram showing the
path of each X-ray photon in a given diffraction system:
- the photon leaves the source where X-rays are
- goes through the various optical elements that
channel it in the right direction (mirrors, slits and collimators)
- diffracts inside the single crystal, and
- finally generates the diffraction spots on a detector
In order to get the
largest and best collection of diffraction data, crystal samples are
usually maintained at a very low temperature (about 100 K, that is,
-170 C) using a dry nitrogen stream. At low
temperatures, crystals (and especially those of
macromolecules) are more stable and resist the effects
of X-ray radiation much better. At the same time, the low
temperature further reduces the atomic thermal
vibration factors,
facilitating their subsequent location
within the crystal structure.
To mount the
crystals on the goniometer head, in front of the cold nitrogen stream,
crystallographers use special loops (like the one depicted in the left
figure) which fix the crystal in a matrix transparent
This is especially useful for protein crystals, where the
matrix also acts as cryo-protectant (anti-freeze). The
of the cryo-protectant spread through the crystal
channels replacing the water molecules with the
ones, thus avoiding crystal rupture due to frozen water.
Left: Detail of
a mounted crystal using a loop filled with an antifreeze matrix
Right: Checking
the position of the crystal in the goniometric optical center. Video
courtesy of Ed
any case, the crystal center must be coincident with the optical center
of the goniometer, where the X-ray beam is also passing through.
In this way, when the crystal rotates, it will always be centered on
that point, and in any of its positions will be bathed by the X-ray
mounted on a goniometer
The nitrogen flow at -170 º
(coming through the upper tube) cools the crystal mounted on
goniometer head. The
collimator of the X-ray
beam points toward the crystal
from the left of the image. Note
the slight steam
generated by the cold nitrogen when mixed with
air humidity.
Visually analyzing the quality of the
diffraction pattern
these data, crystal unit cell dimensions, crystal symmetry (space
group) and intensities associated with the reciprocal points
pattern), will allow us to "see" the
internal structure of the crystal, but this issue will be shown in
another chapter...
Structural resolution
of contents